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Light is far more than these two savage chieftain killed before harvest,clarisonic brush, vampire bat boss went so far burst two gold and equipment. Although the boss a copy of the burst rate is high, the probability of explosive gold equipment still only ten percent or so, that is, to kill ten times it may burst a copy boss gold equipment. Now just kill once broke two, from the first scene to the fifth scene, nearly a monster just broke a bronze equipment really is not without reason. Good boss who put the whole thing up!

Yi Chen bring up the system menu,clarisonic, select botas ugg espa?a to receive the task reward. Bite: Congratulations, you get five hundred experience. Just receive quest rewards, but also sound Cui Xiang ears and bite: Congratulations on your promoted 2. Skills: Low appraisal technique, lower dash, lower parry, lower body strength, lower outbreak, powerful cut. Scene instantaneously changes, then blink, everyone has been brought to the text of the cave outside the cave flowers. Open the world rating list, enter their name, the system will soon give rankings. After all, what skills are not with nine newcomers had a copy, wasted two hours to kill savage chieftain could have such a high ranking, Yi Chen has contentment.

The old rules, equipment reward all go clarisonic mia. Had a copy, both high and low contribution, experience values ​​are the same. See Yi Chen would be another, everyone was overjoyed, all desperately nodded. That line, the team temporarily disbanded, after half an hour set here. clarisonic mia Still do, go ahead. Yi Chen walked away, sprinted away toward Xinshoucun orientation. Took off his helmet, glanced identity wrist instrument has twelve ten it. A helmet thrown into the hands of the bed, Yi Chen opened the door, look to see go, her daughters were sitting around the table discussing what is bustling.
