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East Taishan certainly know, see Lin Fei Fei now he can not deal with the, the forest over the East Tarzan knew something was wrong, and against the rest of the people quickly said he did not think, even so soon Lin Fei back Weibei ! sunglasses for men sunglasses for women Can go say it? Lin Fei smiled, a dodge, it has come to a few people behind the Oriental family, several people blocked the escape route, and then step by step toward the east Tarzan forced to go ! East Tarzan looked Lin Fei, shook his teeth and said: go nike out !

But the East Tarzan was wrong ! When the battle, along with the East Tarzan of the order, which began when the smoke has come up with ink Mohists Liannu to an awkward volley up the ink smoke but smarter, sunglasses no hurry murder, anyway bolt sky fly, oriental family of these people are rushed, however short-lived fad, East Taishan thinking entangled Lin Fei, delay time, and the ink will not think of how smoke delay time? After all, their side, but there is a day late order master, afraid of what ?

When East Tarzan Zheyi hit in the body after Lin Fei, East Taishan face had changed since his fist as if to hit in the top of a sponge, and sunglasses for women fist, even pumping it back ! This is not the most terrible thing, the most terrible, the East Tarzan can clearly feel that their infuriating, is growing at a very fast pace, through their own Zheyi, Lin Fei flowing body ! Heaven kind of magic ** ! East Tarzan reaction over, but it was too late, the seventh heaven kind of magic **, Lin Fei even then, it almost plummeted Li 's hands last night, was able to escape Eastern Buddhism, because Buddhism and Eastern forests the gap between the big fly, while the East Tarzan is a master of the mid- day order, how can withstand flying forest Heaven ** it kind of magic ?
